Saturday, September 25, 2021

Updated download links

 Due to a security patch in Google Drive, all download links were inaccessible, so I updated everything with new ones.

I also removed adfly from all links (including ones from before I started using Google Drive)

I initially planned to release something today, but updating these links took a REALLY long time, so I'll release something one of these days (I think)


  1. Glad to see you are still active - I'm a long time, occasional papercrafter, I tend to make models for family/friends as presents for birthdays and Christmas gifts etc. Please do keep up the excellent work! I've made a few of your models in the past, they are amazing!

    1. Thank you! Glad to see someone actually saw this update :D

      I'm usually more active on facebook, where I post stuff I've started working on and progress reports to those models. It's not often, but it's more than here, that's for sure.
